Beowulf and Soto both risked their lives to better others. They similarly overcome the difficulty they encounter. Beowulf is called to fight off Grendel the deadly monster. He kills the monster, but Beowulf dies due to the venomous bite Grendel left on him. Beowulf speaks “My purpose was this: to win the good will of your people or die in battle”. Similarly, Victoria Soto saved her students lives from the good in her heart. Daringly Soto stepped in front of the gunman hoping no harm would be done to her students. Survival was not the assignment Beowulf and Soto were dared with. They were dared with trails life threw at
Beowulf and Soto both risked their lives to better others. They similarly overcome the difficulty they encounter. Beowulf is called to fight off Grendel the deadly monster. He kills the monster, but Beowulf dies due to the venomous bite Grendel left on him. Beowulf speaks “My purpose was this: to win the good will of your people or die in battle”. Similarly, Victoria Soto saved her students lives from the good in her heart. Daringly Soto stepped in front of the gunman hoping no harm would be done to her students. Survival was not the assignment Beowulf and Soto were dared with. They were dared with trails life threw at