To save over 10,000 lives and $200 million in lower healthcare costs over the next five years.
Sepsis kills over 3,000 Coloradans annually, more than breast cancer, stroke, and automobile accidents combined. Timely diagnosis, administration of IV antibiotics and fluids can reduce the mortality rate by 50% or more. These are simple solutions that can be implemented quickly with focused community effort.
The Coalition for Sepsis Survival (C4SS) has three key objectives 1) Public Awareness, 2) Research, and 3) Providing Hospital Performance Improvement Grants.
Public Awareness: It is amazing to recognize that the third leading cause of death in the US, sepsis, is not known by 50% of the US population. However, 80%+ of sepsis patients present to hospital ERs, often at the end stage of their medical condition, where mortality increases at 8% per hour. In August 2016 C4SS initiated a twelve-month Public Service Announcement program that is airing on over 230 …show more content…
Within Colorado, the reported sepsis hospital mortality varies from 7% to 29%. C4SS is in discussion with over 40 Colorado hospitals proposing a statewide study to determine the factors behind this wide variance and identifying practical solutions that individual hospitals can implement, cost effectively, for reducing sepsis mortality and morbidity.
Healthcare Provider Grants: Regardless of a hospital’s or a healthcare provider’s financial condition we plan to offer education grants and low-cost financing for implementing sepsis performance improvement programs. As part of this program, we are developing a “Certified Vendor” list. These are companies that C4SS will certify as approved product and or service providers that have demonstrated achievement in assisting hospitals and healthcare providers in reducing sepsis morbidity and mortality.