The Color Purple Comparison Essay

Improved Essays
Israel Becerra
Period 4

The Bluest eye/ The Color Purple Comparison

My Comparison in the bluest eye and the color purple is going to be about pecola and celie having many similaires in their lives .Also that how both are born in black communities and both are humiliated by the society and then the similarities in the book the bluest eye and the movie the color purple.

In the beginning they are raped by their fathers and both become pregnant and celie two by their father then give birth to their fathers children , pecola one and celia to. None of their children are left alive with them by the circumstances. Both live their lives as disappointers. Both hanker to assert their identities. But both fail throughout their lives to attain perfection. The main character, Picola starts suffering even when she was still a child in school. She is only eleven years old when she feels suffocation in that environment. She is raped by father and becomes pregnant. Her patriarchal status is somewhat similar to Geeta‘s. She is accustomed to live a metropolitan life full of liberty. But she has to come to Udaipur as bride of Ajay Singh, a professor of science. Then, She was just nineteen years old and she faces an immense cultural shock in a new environment where she is to adjust and adapt to the stringent, traditional and patriarchal rules of the haveli where ladies have to strictly observed purdah (veil). When she lands in Udaipur, she is criticise for not observing purdah even by the maids of the haveli who come singing to the railway station to welcome the new bride, ―One of them came forward, pulled her sari over her face and exclaimed in horror, 'Where do you come from that you show your face to the world?'‖ (Rama Mehta 17). Not even this, the maid call her an outsider also. Her duty in the Haveli was just to keep males satisfied, ―…In the haveli the men were regarded with awe as if they were gods. They
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When they get chances outside, they use women and they don‘t spare their own daughters. In the novel, The Color Purple when Celie‘s mother is gone to consult a doctor for her illness, her father rapes him saying, ―You gonna do what your mammy wouldn't‖ (Walker 3). Soon after due to her illness, Celie‘s mother dies and Alfonso rapes Celie more and more often. Celie considers that her father has killed her both children but in fact, he has sold them. He brings a new wife in his home. He now wants to get rid of Celie and that‘s why she is married to Mr. Johnson so that he may have sex with her younger sister, Netty also. Due to this fear, Netty flees from the house and takes refuses to married Celie‘s house. But here, too she finds that Mr. Johnson, her sister‘s husband and her lover want to have sex with her and she has to flee from this house also. Netty has to strive hard to maintain her chastity in the novel. But Celie‘s life is no better than her life with her father. Mr. Johnson is a cruel man and he considers that the best way to keep a woman in her place is to beat

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