Coast Guard Career Cluster Survey

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Lately I have been using to look at some career choices. It helps me by analyzing my skill sets and finding job frames that will fit my characteristics. The way it does this is by making you take a career cluster survey. The career cluster survey asks you many questions. It asks about your personality, what you care about, your political stance, and things of that nature. I have chosen a career in the United States Coast Guard. In the Coast Guard I specifically want to be in a small boat crew. A small boat crew is a team of about four people who operate a small boat. I specifically want to be the one in the crew who drives the boat because I like to be in control. The qualifications necessary to become eligible for the Coast Guard is a high school diploma. Although if I want to move to a different position or the Coast Guard wants to put me in a position that requires more education, they will send me to a college of their choice. …show more content…
I will start off making around 18 dollars an hour and my hourly wage will increase each year of service. It will be a great honor to serve my country and protect it. Like I said before all I need to be eligible for the Coast Guard is a diploma, but there are still some things I would like to do that will prepare my body for the physical brutality I will face at basic training. I definitely want to try and be on the swim team because swimming is a big part of the Coast Guard. I also want to try and be a part of the football team in high school to further keep myself in

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