First, Finnerty failed to communicate with the interprofessional team to come up with a satisfactory solution that addresses the requests of the doctors and resident physician. She also implemented her process without consulting with the doctors about the repercussions of moving the patient to the ICU without intubation (Finnerty v. Board of Registered Nursing, 2008). The nurse also failed to add her ideas to the points that the other practitioners raised. The doctors may have missed a vital point about the standards, timing, and requirements which make it hard for the healthcare workers to perform their duties fearlessly and accordingly. Meyer terms these inconsistencies “unscientific, unfair, and unconstitutional public health measures” (Meyer, 2015, p. 121).…
If a nursing intervention follows the nursing process, e.g., assess, diagnose, plan, implement, and evaluate – it demonstrates the clinical reasoning that supports the patient care. As cited by Alfaro-Lefevre (2012) Skip the principles of assessment and diagnosis and it’s easy to jump to conclusions, miss risks, and give care based on assumptions rather than evidence. Assessment errors and omissions are a major cause of adverse outcomes. If you fail to plan before implementation, the risk of adverse outcomes also increases. Skip evaluation, and reflective nursing practice (not to mention patient safety) goes out the door (p. 1).…
If there is a safety issues for example; it is the aid’s responsibility to have good observational skills and to tell the nurse. It is also important for the nurse to use observational skills to see if there is something wrong with the patient that may have been missed earlier by another healthcare professional. The types of nurses are going to have different scopes of practice, but they need to be willing to communicate with each…
Though knowledge of ethical theory is not mandatory in dealing with moral dilemmas in healthcare, theories on moral reasoning can assist in making a decision as to what course of action to take (Seedhouse, 2009). In this segment of the assignment, I will relate the use of sound reasoning in applying the ethical theories of utilitarianism and deontology to one such ethical dilemma. The case is that of John who just underwent cancer surgery and is now waiting for the results of a further biopsy. Pam, his wife, proposes that the results of the biopsy be deliberately withheld from John if the result is positive for metastases.…
Decision Making in Nursing Nurses make decisions that have life and death implications (Payne, 2015). Nurses must be accountable for their decisions as well as the consequences of those actions (College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia, 2012). Clinical decision making is a complex process that requires the nurse to draw from personal knowledge, client history, previous clinical experience, as well as intuition (Banning, 2008; Benner, 1984; Blum, 2010; Payne, 2015; Tanner, 2006). These decisions impact how efficiently, competently, and satisfactorily the client is treated (Etheridge, 2007). Decision making models have been developed to assist nurses with their critical thinking to ensure safe client care and improve client outcomes (Lauri & Salantera, 1995; Tanner, 2006).…
American Sentinel University The Use of Clinical Reasoning in Advanced Physical Assessment The advancement of medicine, complexity of diseases, and the nurses’ ability in becoming increasingly autonomous, requires nurses to be prompt in solving problems. The expectations of the health care industry and society of shortened hospital stay, the need for nurses to do more in less time, and the overall intensity of the nursing care provided to patients continues to affect how nurses think and deliver patient care. The constantly changing world of health care mandates nurses to utilize clinical reasoning to guide their practice. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationship between clinical reasoning and clinical decision making, consider clinical reasoning in advance physical assessment and identify the nurses’ use of critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgment.…
3801NRS Advanced Clinical Decision Making Student Name: Rebekah Stanley Student Number: S2929435 Essay/Report Title: Case Study Essay Assessment Item 1 WORD COUNT: TBA Clinical decision making and reasoning can be seen as one of the most important roles taken on board by the registered nurse within the healthcare setting (Pinnock & Welch, 2014).…
According to Health Professional Council Authority (2015) conduct pathway “allows the council to manage notifications (complaints) that may constitute unsatisfactory professional conduct or professional misconduct”. Furthermore, according to Staunton and Chiarella (2013) “unsatisfactory professional conduct includes conduct that is substantially below the standard reasonably expected of a registered health care practitioner of an equivalent level of training or experience”. Based on the case study of Conyard [2015], the nurse was not able to recognise and respond to the deteriorating condition of the patient when the vital signs were in the red zone, in addition, the nurse was not able to document all the necessary assessments and plan of care. According to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (2011), recognising and responding to deteriorating patient includes measurement and documentation of observations, escalation of care, activating rapid response system and communicating with the team about the clinical deterioration. The nurse would have recognised, responded and correctly followed the protocols by communicating with the multidisciplinary team immediately without delay.…
The planning stage is when goals and objectives are defined, policies, procedures and evaluation methods are developed and resources allocated. Nurse Managers has to understand the organization’s mission, philosophy, strategic plan, goals and objectives (Cherry & Jacob, 2014). The goal of most health care organization is to provide high quality patient care and due to Cindy lateness, absenteeism, and unavailability on the unit to perform patient task, the quality of care patients are receiving are lower and also places other staff members in the position to either perform additional assigned patient task, taking time away from other patients or having Cindy’s assigned patient wait which reduces the quality of care they should be receiving. Cindy failure to follow the unit policy in taking vital signs and being absent from the floor to perform patient task falls under failure to follow standard of care which might lead to an issue of negligence…
Effective clinical reasoning skills are essential in nursing; an estimated half of all clinical adverse events are attributed to errors in clinical decision-making (Levett-Jones et al., 2013). Tanner (2006) defined clinical reasoning as the process via which nurses arrive at clinical decisions by weighing evidence, pattern recognition, using intuition, selecting from alternatives and patient safety. This clinical reasoning cycle (CRC) consists of 8 cyclical steps namely, consideration of the patient’s situation; collecting of cues and information; processing of information; identification of problems and issues; establishing objectives; taking action; evaluation of outcomes; and reflecting on processes and new learning (Levett-Jones, et al.,…
Health professionals want to maintain a perfect image, therefore, admitting to an error be challenging. Nurses need to maintain a high standard of behavior on and off duty and take full responsibility for their action and claim accountability of any mistake made. Documentation is a vital part of nursing as it contains all the information of the patient which then can be accessed by the government organizations during an audit. In RN Liz’s instance, she breached the code of rights, domains of the competence and standards of the principle in the code of conduct. She did not show professionalism and did not take proper responsibility while administering medication to Mr. A. she also failed to document the incident and to speak to or take advice from her co-workers or seniors RN’s in response to her situation of feeling…
Nurses may not like their patients, feel like being at work, or have a million other things going on in life, but they do their jobs. Nurses are bound to their patient’s needs. They follow the rules of…
Conclusion Professional nurses are should be able to apply professional judgment into the dynamic medical field. All of them are expected to be accountable in the practice in that any actions and gaps left will be questionable. With all regulatory bodies put in place, they are expected to practice epitomes and excellent decision making in the best interests of the legally entrusted party. This will put to drop in litigation of medical practitioners under common negligence law. References Cox C (2010)…
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council defines the enrolled nurse (EN) as, an associate to the registered nurse who demonstrates competence in the provision of patient-centred care as specified by the registering authority’s license to practice, educational preparation and context of care (Monash, 2013). As the enrolled nursing is on an on-going learning career, critical thinking, reflection and analysis are vital criteria that a nurse should concern during her duties and studies. Mainly these three points are significant to deliver a quality patient-centred care. Because some nurses that have been learnt these criteria are not applying in their clinical practice. Critical thinking helps ENs to make judgments related to client’s human…
Nurses spend more time with the patient and family members than any other care provider in the hospital. In such situation, poor communication can lead to such events. The NSW code of conduct (Code of conduct 2015) #4.1 stated that we should promote a positive work environment with a collaborative work approach and productive working relationship. Also, NMBA Standard #1 (NMBA Standards 2016) states that we need to think critically and analyses nursing practice.…