The Use of Clinical Reasoning in Advanced Physical Assessment
The advancement of medicine, complexity of diseases, and the nurses’ ability in becoming increasingly autonomous, requires nurses to be prompt in solving problems. The expectations of the health care industry and society of shortened hospital stay, the need for nurses to do more in less time, and the overall intensity of the nursing care provided to patients continues to affect how nurses think and deliver patient care. The constantly changing world of health care mandates nurses to utilize clinical reasoning to guide their practice. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationship between clinical reasoning and clinical decision making, consider clinical reasoning in advance physical assessment and identify the nurses’ use of critical thinking, clinical reasoning, and clinical judgment.
Clinical reasoning and Decision Making …show more content…
Clinical decision making is described as a process by which a clinician determines the conclusion of a clinical situation after consideration of the necessary indications, evidences, and incorporating options to end doubt (Tanner, 2006). Clinical reasoning examines the clinician’s ability to solve problems by recognizing patterns, creating schemas, and applying scientific evidence (Bickley, 2013). While clinical decision making is the outcome of the clinician’s ability to use clinical reasoning (critically think, process information both subjective and objective, test out a hypothesis, and reach to a conclusion).
The Concept of Clinical Reasoning in Advanced Physical