Im Not A Tiger Mom Analysis

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Parenting is not a simple task. Based on how you parent your kids it is how they act and react to the world around us. In “I’m Not a Tiger Mom, But I (Secretly) Admire Amy Chua” by Christian Science Monitor states that having strict parenting can help children be disciplined and focused on their education. While “The Case for Free-Range Parenting” by Clemens Wergin states that parents should let their children be free to go out and explore the world and create their own analysis of the world around them. In conclusion, Parents should instill culture and discipline like Amy Chua while, also giving children the freedom to interpret their culture through their own eyes. In the Christian Science Monitor journalist Janine Wood says that Amy Chua, …show more content…
She said that one time her daughter when they first came to America their daughter went exploring by herself and met some of the neighborhood kids. While Tiger Mom would have a heart attack, I want children to go outside and explore because I remember after doing my homework I would usually go outside and play with my friends instead of being in my house. That’s what I want kids to have, the ability to make friends in their community. In the article, she talks about a case when two kids were walking alone when they had parental permission to walk home alone. Their parents were found guilty of unsubstantiated child neglect. Which I feel this is wrong to put a parent in jail even though they had parental permission to walk home. It is saddening that our government requires that we be overprotective of our children event though “The most recent in-depth study found that, in 1999, only 115 children nationwide were victims of a ''stereotypical kidnapping'' by a stranger; the overwhelming majority were abducted by a family member. That same year, 2,931 children under 15 died as passengers in car accidents. Driving children around is statistically more dangerous than letting them roam freely.” (Wergin 26-29) this shows that the number of child kidnappings is lower than the number automobile crashes that children are in when their parents are driving. This could be solved by letting children be free and walk on their own but, if a place is far I would drive them. To conclude, free-range parenting gives children the freedom to do what they without any adult supervision and forms them into independent

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