Classroom Observation

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My classroom uses the stoplight system that many other classrooms in East View use. Every day the students start on green and have the ability to move their clips up or down based on behavior. Blue is the highest level which means they were outstanding and went above and beyond. Green is you were doing what you were supposed to and had a good day. Orange is below that and is the “make better choices” level. This means you were doing something you weren’t supposed to, but it didn’t require a trip to the office or wasn’t that severe. The lowest level is red. If a child has to move their clip to red they have to make a visit to the principal’s office and they get a note home to their parent/guardian. This level is very infrequent and reserved …show more content…
They are the most successful when there are routines and structure to their day. When they have a worksheet they are working on they are supposed to put their name on it first thing. This is always the first step. When they are done they put it in the blue bin to be checked and then they get to take it home with them at the end of the day. If there is a worksheet they were working on and they did not finish, they are to put in under their cup which contains their pencils and crayons. These procedures are used every day so the students have a strong understanding of when to use these. They are often correcting me if I am confused or tell them the wrong information. They also know that when they are told to have a seat on the carpet they are supposed to find their own square on the carpet and sit “criss cross applesauce.” Each week on Monday morning two weekly helpers are picked. These students take down the lunch count and get to be line leaders the whole week. This reduces the complaining about who gets to be in the front of the line. Once they are all lined up the teacher will sing the song. “My hands are hanging by my side, I’m standing straight and tall. My eyes are looking straight ahead I’m ready for the hall”. This helps them prepare for the hallway. They know that their hands should be by their sides and they should be looking in front of them and ready to

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