The north didn't have as many slaves as the south, but the ones who didn't have slaves didn't want slaves anywhere in the United States. They couldn’t figure out a civil solution so they thought war was the best solution. “It showed Americans that fighting a civil war is not the way to go. So many families were impacted by the Civil War.” ( It impacted so many lives, because peoples loved ones were …show more content…
They were disagreeing with the north because they were happy and they wanted to keep slaves. The south wanted slaves, and the north did not, this led to disagreement and arguments. Because of these arguments, the Civil War began. Once the Civil War was over there were no slaves allowed in the United States. “In 1854, the U.S. Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which essentially opened all new territories to slavery by asserting the rule of popular sovereignty over congressional edict.” (
So many different people felt that it was really necessary to fight for their own beliefs. The north wanted basic human rights. The south didn’t want anything to change. The war ended slavery, it gave humans basic human rights, and it also helped redefine America. "It brought slavery to an end. Slavery ended with the ratification of the thirteenth amendment." ( After all the differences were set aside, the north finally won the war, which resulted in America being the free country that it is today. If the northern states hadn't won the war we would not have all of the freedom that we have