Why Did The South Want To Secede Dbq

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Before the civil war, the states was separate with their own rule of living. The north was full of free state and the south was full of slave states. In this country, slaves was necessary for making money. Yet, they treat them as they was not human even in the free states. The north made a thing called the union with will bring everyone together but, the south didn't want to be apart of it. Southern States wanted to secede from the Union because Abraham Lincoln's election and his suspected abolitionist leanings., they wanted slavery and they feel like the north would control them.

Southern States wanted to secede from the Union because Abraham Lincoln's election and his suspected abolitionist leanings. In Doc 5 it says “Abraham Lincoln,
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In Doc 4, “Many Northerners viewed slavery as wrong. Abolitionists wanted to end slavery and some helped slaves escape to the North and Canada. The Southerner's believed that they were stealing their property.” The south needed slaves for economic reasons. If they don’t have slaves, they won’t have any income coming in. The south didn’t want them to be free, the south needed slaves to live off. This is why the south wanted to secede from the union.

Southern States wanted to secede from the Union because they wanted state rights. Doc 5, its says, “Many Southerners favored secession as part of the idea that the states have rights and powers which the federal government cannot legally deny.” The south want the keep the rights they had before Lincoln went into office. The south wants to keep slavery and many of their beliefs. This is why the south wanted to secede from the union.

The south has a right to leave the Union because the U.S is the home of the free. The south can do that but, it will lead to a civil war. So it's not good for the nation itself. What i learned about the south is they care about what they want. The south also wants to keep there slaves because they need slaves to live off. Southern States wanted to secede from the Union because Abraham Lincoln's election and his suspected abolitionist leanings., they wanted slavery and they wanted state

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