Chick-Fil-A: My Desire To Be An Operator

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My desire to become a Chick-fil-A Operator is multifaceted, with both personal and business/leadership related desires playing a part. My personal goals include the ability to provide a comfortable living for my wife and our future children, as well as to be a servant-leader in my household. My business goals include: collaborating with other operators and community members to build a high performance brand, executing my entrepreneurial mindset to constantly improve processes and resolve issues, and leaving a legacy that would honor God with all that He has entrusted to me.
The ability to provide for one’s family is something for which most everyone strives for on a daily basis. We want our family to be protected and well supported. I recognize
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Chick-fil-A will allow me the opportunity to grow and spread the seeds to others who want to grow. I want my children to witness the importance of good values and stewardship. What a better example than Chick-fil-A! There are three levels of leadership through which everyone progresses: management, leadership, and servant leadership. At first, one learns the processes and enforces them. Then, one compels others to enforce them, and, finally, one influences others to enforce them because they believe in one’s cause. I want to serve others, because at the end of the day, the people one hires, the culture one creates, and the vision one establishes will define how successful one is as a …show more content…
Truett knew best when he decided to create the Operator role. There subsists nothing better than local ownership that is invested in making a better brand and sharing it with the community. I want the opportunity to extend my reach and serve my community by leveraging the amazing legacy that Truett left for us.
My systematic approach to most everything has proven to be incredibly beneficial in my development as a leader. My hope is to be able to use my analytical skills to attack problems and fine tune processes so that my store may execute at the highest level. I have had experience with various processes and issues in three FSR’s and one DTO restaurant. Each had their own challenges, but each was made better by my efforts to improve consistency and refine processes and systems. This skill has proven invaluable, and I know that I will be able to better my business results through it at my own

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