The Similarities Between Humans And Chimpanzees

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Humans are very similar to chimpanzees not only physically, but mentally too. According to researchers at the Yerkes National Primate Center at Emory University, Chimpanzees have meta traits, “which were found to be the most fundamental personality traits… [and when broken down] resemble… personality traits of humans” (Palermo). Human and chimpanzees personality traits are often split into two different categories: the alpha and the beta. THe ideal alpha male is someone who is aggressive confident, and influences other beta males. While there are many definitions on what makes up a beta male, he is someone who is humble, emotional, and shy. Kristen Barber writes that, “women often find the alpha male attractive as a partner, and other beta …show more content…
Kerchak is portrayed as the ideal alpha male in the way how he acts towards his fellow gorillas. Kerchak, “is aggressive and dominates the other beta makes, usually through force and intimidation” (Barber). His stature and status makes him fearful to the other gorillas which can be good because it shows that he is the alpha, however, it makes him very isolated. Turk, one of Tarzan’s gorilla friends, knows not to mess with Kerchak. Turk told Tarzan that, “if you want Kerchak to like you, stay away from him” (Tarzan). This goes to show that the gorillas are fearful of Kerchak and that it is best to stay away from him. This goes along with how alpha males are typically isolated from others because of their coercive power that they possess, just how Kerchak is isolated from everyone else. Kerchak’s lack of emotions also show why women do not necessarily prefer alpha male traits. When his wife Kala finds Tarzan when he was a baby, Kerchak said that, “you have to take it back… if the jungle wants him… I cannot put our family in danger” (Tarzan). Kerchak is willing to abandon a little boy who has nothing just to protect him and his family. Women cherish children greatly and for Kerchak to say to just leave him makes women feel like he is abandoning their child. “These alpha mane conform to a particular culturally dependent ideal of masculinity, one that is rooted in sexual …show more content…
When he first meets her, he does not know how to interact with her. However, Tarzan was able to express his emotions to her by pressing his hands against her allowed them to communicate with one another. The feelings that they have for each other are enhanced because of the emotional connection they have with each other. Alpha males tend to keep to themselves and do not show emotions to others because they are worried that it will ruin their image as being an alpha. Beta males on the other hand are willing to express themselves in any situation. When Jane was preparing to leave, Clayton told Tarzan that, “If Jane sees [the] gorillas she stays]” (Tarzan). Tarzan knows through seeing her that she really wants to see the gorillas. Tarzan, despite being told not to lead the humans to the gorillas by Kerchak, leads the humans to the gorillas all for Jane. His desire to help Jane also helps him hoping that she stays. His emotions that he feels for her are so great that he would not listen to the alpha because of his love for Jane. In Phil Collins song Strangers Like Me he sings, “Every gesture, very move that she makes, Makes me feel like never before, Why do I have, This growing need to be inside her, Ooo, these emotions I never knew, Of some other world far beyond this place, Beyond the trees, above the clouds, I see before me a new horizon” (Phil Collins). This song was made in the viewpoint of

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