Barbara Smuts is a reputable psychologist and anthropologist who teaches at the University of Michigan, she is a connoisseur in the social behavior of animals such as primates. In this essay called “Apes of Wrath” which was first published in 1995, Barbara Smuts makes detailed and relevant connections between her animal observations and that from human’s social relationships. When discussing genetics, humans and primates are almost exact, in addition, Smuts makes inferences about how impeccably analogous their social aspects are. Smuts observed how male primates would attack females and she became interested in knowing why this would occur. She soon realized this forcefulness was a way in which male primates would establish …show more content…
Although not every reader may feel an emotion while reading this essay, I believe many who consider themselves feminists would react. While reading the essay I felt strong disgust and frustration for male violence towards females becoming widespread, and even seen in primates. In the same way that other general and trivial topics are freely discussed and universal, so has the conversation of female assaults. It is infuriating to read about forcefulness being used as a means of intimidation and sexual pressure in both primates and humans; Considering females have been so easily objectified and thought of as property in the past and some present-day cultures. Smuts made the analysis that in most of the world’s cultures, “marriage- entails the husband’s right to complete control over his wife’s sexual life, including the right to punish her for real or suspected adultery, to have sex with her whenever he wants, and even to restrict her contact with other people” (Smuts 81). Consequently, readers that are effectively persuaded by the call to emotion will feel a sensitive reaction and perceive the argument as a petition for