Primates Social Behavior

Great Essays
Raheleh safadel
Anth 301
Social Behavior Social behavior is one of the most important activities among human and non-human primates. Both human and non-human primates live in the social group and there are some bonds between various persons. There are many different social activities between human and non-human primates. These social behaviors are between different members of society. Some of these social bonds are between females and their offspring and some between the dominant part of the society with other members and etc. Social interactions among people can be done in various daily activities. Both human and non-human primates are involved in many social activities, but not necessarily these activities are
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Both human and non-human primates learn different new skills from each other. Their collaboration helps them to achieve a great things. Moreover, in the society these species and individuals learn from their dominant member of the society. The human social learning characteristic comes from prehuman primates. For example, anthropoid such as monkeys and apes learn socially how to peel of fruits by imitating each other. They try to learn new activities by looking at others. In addition, researchers found out the social learning activity of some primates such as orangutan came from their ancestors. On the other hand, human pass their knowledge to another member of society through the social learning process (CHRISTOPHER NEAL NORDAN). Humans are smarter than non-human primates regards of social activities and learning. Humans have a flexible and complex cognitive system that enables them to create various complex tools and learn more information. Among primates, some species are more genius than others. For example, chimpanzees are able to use tools and solve problems rather than monkeys (Robert boyd). Social learning was the main social activities of early humans. Early humans automatically motivate modern people to learn from each other. Both human and non-human primates learn from another member of society, but not necessarily every member have the same learning

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