Humans use hand signals everyday. these signals can be simple and very explicit. For example, if person A waves their arm and hand up in the air to person B, then they are gesturing a form of greeting or departure. Another example is that person A is touching and shaking hands with person B. This can also be a greeting or a sign of agreement translating from person A to person B. Chimpanzee have hand signals as well. They use it help each other in according to the article, “The second inheritance system of chimpanzees,” by Andrew Whiten, their is a type of hand gesture that chimpanzees practice commonly everyday in groups of two (Whiten, 2005). In addition, this hand gesture conveys a method of cleaning the fur off each other in chimpanzee’s collective
Humans use hand signals everyday. these signals can be simple and very explicit. For example, if person A waves their arm and hand up in the air to person B, then they are gesturing a form of greeting or departure. Another example is that person A is touching and shaking hands with person B. This can also be a greeting or a sign of agreement translating from person A to person B. Chimpanzee have hand signals as well. They use it help each other in according to the article, “The second inheritance system of chimpanzees,” by Andrew Whiten, their is a type of hand gesture that chimpanzees practice commonly everyday in groups of two (Whiten, 2005). In addition, this hand gesture conveys a method of cleaning the fur off each other in chimpanzee’s collective