Jane Goodall Chimpanzees

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Jane Goodall’s book takes her readers on a journey through her thirty year study with the chimpanzees of Gombe. Jane Goodall is a renowned primatologist in the field of anthropology, and is specifically known for her study of the chimpanzees. She primarily studied their behavior, but also observed how they used their intelligence and how they lived within their groups. Goodall studied her chimpanzees by idly observing them, and interfered little as possible. Goodall would stay in areas where she would not be so close, yet not so far from them. Goodall would observe them on the ground most of the time, and would look at the trees to watch them casually. She would follow them quietly whenever the primates ventured to another location, and built …show more content…
Jane Goodall mostly focused on two pair of mother figures. Flo and her daughter Fifi, and Passion and her daughter, Pom. The comparison between the two is very outstanding. Flo was shown to be a very caring mother to her daughter, Fifi. She would often play with her and treat her with motherly affection. Passion, on the other hand, would constantly neglect her daughter, Pom. She offered no mothering nurture to her, and often ignored her. *Quote* Because of these differing mothering styles, it had a great impact on Fifi and Pom’s behavior, as well as their ability to become a mother. Goodall tells the readers that Fifi had become the more confident and sexually attractive chimpanzee compared to Pom. While Pom had become nervous and unintentionally provoked fights with the males mating with her. *Quote* For their mothering styles, it is a huge difference as the previous mothers’. Fifi became similar to Flo when she took care of her son, Freud, and even showed affection towards him. She was protective of him, played with him, and nurtured the little infant. Pom was almost the exact opposite. While she didn’t necessarily adopt Passion’s mothering style, but it was very similar. Pom showed to be more of a caring mother to her son, Prof. However, Pom did neglect her son at various occasions and didn’t make sure if he was ever safe or not. Goodall recalls a very horrifying experience that happened to Pom’s son. *Quote* Because of Passion’s negligence to Pom, resulted in Pom being an incapable mother who lost her child. While Flo was a caring mother to Fifi, which resulted in Fifi becoming a capable and nurturing mother to her own

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