When I opened my eyes, I immediatly shut them again. This is much too bright..
I opened them to slits and sat up. I was lying in white bed with a very thin matress. Two large glass windows were on the right side of the room and right next to me a machine was peeping. That was when I realized that I had a needle stuck into each of my arms. Probably against the shock, I thought warily running through my hair.
I felt filthy. My hair was definatly greasy and I could still smell the stench of burned wood on me.
I slowly slid to the side of my bed and was just about to pull the needles out of my arms when all of a sudden I heard a deep voice from behind me. "What are you doing?"
I jumped at his voice and turned to glare at him for …show more content…
"Why are you here, Officer Eveland?" I croaked, holding my throat immediatly after that. Ouch.
He took one last sipp of his Latte Machiato and put it down, turning towards me.
"I'm here on the Inspector's orders. He seems to think that you and your sister are in danger."
A shiver went down my back and I pulled my knees to my chest. "Because of the fire right?" I said my eyes getting wet again. "Because someone wanted us dead."
He nodded and I let a single tear go down my cheak. I didn't even bother to wipe it away.
"You're a smart girl," Officer Eveland said smiling sadly. "So i think you know why I'm …show more content…
I let the tears fall silently until I heard the door creak open and two people walking in.
"Livvy!" Jemma cried and jumped into my arms. I held her at armlength and smiled. This girl truely is a joy to my heart, I thought, quickly wiping the tears from my cheaks and looking as happy as possible. "Hey, sweetie!" I glanced at Officer Eveland and asked "did the Office Eveland tell you where we were going?"
"He said we're going somewhere to live with other children! He said I could have a cuddle toy if I am a good girl," Jemma said her eyes glinting. I pulled her to sit on my hips as I went through the door Officer Eveland was holding open for us. "Of course you'll be a good girl!"
As Jemma babbled on about what cuddle toy she wanted and what she would call it I couldn't help but notice that I was the now officially the only thing she had. And that she was the only thing I had.
I hugged her tighter to me and gave her a kiss on her forhead and she smiled in return. Officer Eveland led the way towards the exit, and we entered the parking lot. He led us to a blue mini Ford and I buckled Jemma up in the children's seat. Then I got into the car aswell and gave Jemma a kiss on the cheak before Officer Eveland asked: "Are you