I think the reason that Sernau wrote that globally, is to show that the all problems are connected to the present situation all over the world.
Yes, gender roles in the U.S. have totally changed the role between men and women. The changes brought about a tendency to marry later or the people who do not marry. Therefore; it leads to the declining number of children. …show more content…
While some men adapt to this situation and nurture their children, many others don’t help them. Moreover, because of the automation in industry and mechanization in agriculture, a lot of men have been fired. They tend to feel that they are no longer needed or respected, and become despondent, drunk, or violent. Such a thing occurs a lot in developing countries in particular. Therefore, I guess that the countries need to make the system which encourages the working women. To make this, the developed countries which have their factory there, must raise the basic wage. Also the men need to change their ways of thinking and try to do their best to nurture their children (Sernau, 2012, p.