Ceid Reuse Case Studies

Decent Essays
Background: Reuse of cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs)may help address the unmet need among patients in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Methods: To examine Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) physicians’ opinions regarding CIED reuse, an online survey eliciting attitudes toward CIED reuse was sent to all 3,380 HRS physician members.
Results: There were 429 responses (response rate 13%). A large majority of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that resterilization of devices for reimplantation in patients who cannot afford new devices may be safe (370, 87%) and, if proven to be safe, would be ethical (375, 88%). A total of 340 (81%) respondents would be comfortable asking their patients to consider donating their device, and 353

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