Walter Payon Persuasive Speech

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“More than 120,000 people in the USA are awaiting organ transplants that could save their lives,” but what are we doing to help these people (Wilson Lives On) . In 1999, Walter Payton, the greatest Chicago Bears player, died from primary sclerosing cholangitis, a progressive liver disease which also developed into cancer in Walter’s case. During these years, Walter joined the team of 12,000 other people waiting for a liver. Unfortunately, Payton didn’t receive a liver due to the limited amount of organ donors. During the final months of Payton’s life, he became an advocate for organ donorship. Even with the increased number of people becoming organ donors, there is still a minuscule amount of donors compared to need to this day. The number …show more content…
While fighting his disease, he was also a proud organ donor advocate. He became a donor when he read that “those who do [become organ donors] have the greatest peace in death because they might provide life for someone else” (Payton 224). Walter loved helping people in any way he could especially if he could save a life out of it. One of Payton’s commercials about organ donation for Touched by an Angel highlighted of the harsh reality that “Only half of us (people awaiting organ transplants) will receive them (organ transplants) unless a real hero steps forward like you” (Payton 223). While Payton was getting to know what his reality would be, he kept urging people to donate. In the book, he encourages the audience to “Think about this: 10 Americans die every day while waiting for an organ” (Payton 224). In all, no matter what happened, Payton always wanted to help someone, weather it was giving them a game used football or one of his …show more content…
Becoming an organ donor takes one signature and about thirty seconds of your time, but these thirty seconds can change someone's life one day. The best part about organ donation is that you are ultimately giving someone a life because without the organ they’re receiving they wouldn’t be able to live. We need more people to become organ donors so the countless number of people per year won’t die because they didn’t receive an organ. Please note, organs are only removed from a person after every other life-saving procedure has been attempted. To sum up, it is very important to increase the number of organ donors, so go save a life and become an organ

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