These bills keep racking up because treatment is so expensive. A kidney transplant on average cost about $260,000 and an intestine transplant costs over a million dollars, and this is on average. These number only include the medical expenses from the time the procedure’s test are ran until the post op appointment for the actual transplant itself. Unfortunately, this does not include travel to and from doctor’s appointments and lost wages from not being able to work while receiving treatment, nor does it cover the cost the patient actually has to pay out of pocket for. The longer a patient has to wait for a transplantation to take place the more debt a patient accrues. With more people willing to donate the cost of care goes down …show more content…
As it stands now, there are facilities that help to pay for the tests that are ran to help match a donor with a recipient. Unfortunately, the registry relies mainly on monetary donations and government funding. Having people pay to be on the registry will help to fund the hospitality housing and discount hotels that some centers offer to live organ donors and their families. Although there is some funding it cannot be offered to everyone because there are simply not enough funds. Adding people at their own cost will add funds to these centers and would allow more centers to be opened nationwide. People who donate have to come out of pocket for all of their travel expenses and it is hard to pay to be on the registry and pay if you are called upon to donate. All profits should be placed in a pool and when someone is called to donate their kidney or any other organ the money can pay for travel expenses. With more people on the list travel expenses will drop because more people will be closer to each other. The insurance companies should have to pay for the actual