The Benefits of CBD Oil
Unlike THC that interacts strongly with one or both …show more content…
Source This suggests that CBD is likely to provide immediate relief from anxiety after oral administration of CBD. CBD, via cannabinoid receptors, relieves anxiety by calming down the amygdala, the part of your brain that controls fear. In other words, the amygdala is responsible for triggering the body’s fight or flight response, and CBD administration appears to attenuate this phenomenon to physical and mental stress. One of the added benefits of using CBD oil as an alternative is that, unlike the pharmaceutical drugs that are used in treating this condition, there is no risk of CBD oil becoming additive or harmful to organs such as the liver and kidneys, even when administered for a long period of time. Furthermore, evidence in mice and other animal models have demonstrated that activation of cannabinoid receptors within the brain lowers heart rate and blood pressure responses to stress and reduces panic and anxiety behavior. Source Additionally, there is some evidence suggesting that CBD yields a combination of anxiolytic and antidepressant effects and improves mood, but severe depression cannot