Respiratory insufficiency can be caused by a severe chest injury or an airway obstruction, thus making it hard to breathe. Even if cardiovascular function is normal not receiving sufficient oxygen in the blood can still cause shock. Anaphylactic shock is when the immune systems reacts violently to a substance, thus causing a severe allergic reaction. Severe allergic reactions can occur within a minute or seconds when exposed to medications, food or insect stings. There are many different signs and symptoms of anaphylactic shock. For example, your skin will start to itch, hives spread throughout the body and swelling of the face, hands and lips. Some more systems are a weak pulse, dizziness, tightness in the chest and wheezing. Although, there is no vascular damage or loss or blood, the widespread vascular dilation will cause poor oxygenation and perfusion of the tissues, which can lead to death. Lastly, psychogenic shock is caused by a sudden nervous system reaction. This reaction causes temporary vascular dilation, thus reducing blood supply to the …show more content…
When a first aider is caring for someone with shock they should monitor their breathing, or perform CPR if needed. They should control any external bleeding present. Next, they should place the victim on their back. However, it the victim have chest pains, or is having a heart attack you should place them in a half-sitting position. If you suspect that the victim may have a head or spinal injury, you need to loosen any tight clothing around the neck, chest or waist. Also, for any bone or joint injuries, put them in a splint. This minimizes bleeding and prevents any further damage to the tissues. While caring for the victim you must handle them very gently and keep them warm by placing blankets over them. However, you shouldn’t use any heating pads or other external heating sources. Lastly, seek medical attention by calling