Perfusion Exemplars

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Perfusion is a vital component to our everyday living. The definition of perfusion is the process of the body delivering blood to a capillary bed in its biological tissue (Merriam-Webster, 2015). This process helps our blood that caries oxygen get to our vital organs in the body, such as, the brain, lungs, and to our extremities. When our perfusion is compromised however, our blood cannot complete its task and get the oxygen to the parts of our body that need it. If the body does not have a key factor like oxygen to carry out its duty, it cannot function properly. In the next couple of paragraphs, I will be discussing the perfusion exemplars such as congestive heart failure, hypertension, coronary artery disease, and traumatic brain injury. …show more content…
Concept Exemplars The first exemplar is Congestive heart failure (CHF). CHF is defined as an abnormal clinical syndrome that involves inadequate pumping and/or filling of the heart (Lewis, 2014). Because your heart isn’t pumping blood properly, it isn’t perfusing an efficient blood supply to the body. Depending on which side of the heart is malfunctioning (left or right), it can cause numerous medical problems, such as, dyspnea, fatigue, heart murmurs, JVD, pulmonary edema, pleural effusions, and tachycardia (Lewis, 2014). Next is Hypertension, which is a blood pressure that is a systolic reading greater than 140 mm Hg and a diastolic reading that is greater than 90 mm Hg (Potter & Perry, 2013). This issue is more common in African Americans and is often caused by too much sodium intake, smoking, diabetes …show more content…
However, 30 minutes after they had extubated her, she was doing perfect (respiratory wise). She was following all verbal commands, but did not verbally communicate. The doctor was very taken back that the patient was doing so well, but reiterated that it would be a long road ahead for the husband and wife. She might never walk or talk again because of the amount of time her brain went without oxygen. But overall, her prognosis seemed fairly well at the end of the

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