Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among both men and women in the United States. Each year approximately 600,000 people die from these heart related diseases. Cardiovascular disease is something that can be acquired at birth or over a period of time due to genetics or lifestyle. There hundreds of different types of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease can be detected through a series of blood test, blood pressure, or even an electrocardiograph. Electrocardiographs record the electrical activity of the heart. The main purpose of this essay is to inform the reader of cardiovascular disease by discussing the main systems involved, different types of disease and conditions, signs and symptoms, treatment, …show more content…
There are eleven different systems that works together in order to sustain life. Cardiovascular disease is associated primarily with the cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system consists of the following structures; heart, blood vessels, and blood. This systems primary function is to circulate blood throughout the body by pumping blood from the heart. Located between the lungs superior to the diaphragm, and surrounded by a protective and supportive covering known as the pericardium is the heart. The heart is about the size of a fist pushing approximately an average 1,900 gallons of blood per day. The heart is made up of cardiac muscle tissue and has four chambers. There are two atria which are responsible for receiving the deoxygenated blood that is coming back from the veins. The other two chambers are the ventricles, which pump oxygenated blood in the arteries is carried away from heart. Separating the chambers are valves. The heart valves allow the blood to flow through the heart in one direction preventing backflow. The two types of valves are the atrioventricular valve and semilunar valve. The contraction of the heart is known as systole, and the relaxation is identified as the diastole. The heart has a pretty distinguishable beating sound to it caused by the closing of the heart valves. Along with chambers and valves the body has two circuits, pulmonary and systemic circuit. The pulmonary circuit carries deoxygenated …show more content…
Each of these conditions has a variety of similar signs and symptoms. Some symptoms are more severe than others. In some cases some people may never experience any of symptoms which could be more life threating if left untreated. Some of the signs and symptoms of heart arrhythmia are lightheadedness or, fainting, shortness of breath, and palpitations. A palpation is the fluttering or the feeling of your heart skipping a beat. Most people are usually conscious of their heart beat. In most cases palpations are painful. Coronary artery disease is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases. Having high blood pressure is also another indicator of a heart disease. Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure. High blood pressure is due to the abnormal increased force of blood that hits the artery wall which may cause chronic heart problems such as a heart attack or stroke. Those with hypertension may not even know it, in this case can be very dangerous. Even though the signs and symptoms are not as obvious, high blood pressure can be easily detected by measuring the blood pressure typically with a blood pressure cuff used by a physician or other medical persons. The most common symptoms of coronary artery disease or heart attack would be having uncomfortable pain or pressure in the chest, arm, below the breast bone, back, jaw, and throat. Feeling a sense of fullness, indigestion, or choking