The Cardiovascular, or Circulatory system consists of three main components; the heart, blood vessels and blood itself. The heart is a fist sized organ which weighs between 250-350 grams and can be found to the …show more content…
The red blood cells are used to carry the oxygen, whilst the white cells are there to make up part of the immune system. Platelets are needed for clotting in the body and the plasma is a liquid in which the other components float in (Next slide). Some common problems that can occur in the Cardiovascular System is an Aneurysm and Varicose Veins. Aneurysms occur when there is a weak spot in the wall of an artery. Varicose veins, is quite common, it is when there are problems with valves and therefore prevent blood from returning back to the heart. This can be shown by the pictures shown on the presentation. (Marieb 8th Edition, 2010) (Next …show more content…
A pro to the child taking aspirin is that the disease clears up quickly and easily, with only a chance of getting Reyes Syndrome. The cons to this, is that once Reyes is developed, it is hard to treat and if not done quickly, fatal symptoms can occur. From a biological point of view, each argument has validation. As stated in the first one, aspirin can cure the disease the child has quick with only a chance of getting Reyes Syndrome. Aspirin is recommended by doctors for children as it is one of the best drugs. The second argument though, explains that if a child is victim to Reyes Syndrome, they could be suffering from more than the flu. When the acidity levels in the blood rise, it can lead to prolonged vomiting, permanent mental changes and seizures. The only way to prevent this, is to stop giving children aspirin. Therefore, the second argument is more valid as it considers what could happen if the child does develop this syndrome. (Next