List any further questions you have for Margaret and link them to their respective differential diagnoses.
Did you start having shortness of breath when you started to work at the Bread Bakery?
Have you noticed any wheezing?
Does your chest feel tight?
Have you been coughing?
Do you cough anything up?
Do you ever get short of breath when exercising?
Did you every have allergy testing?
What were you allergic to?
How many years did you smoke?
How many packs a day?
How old were you when you started smoking?
Did your father smoke?
Were you exposed to second hand smoke as a child?
Does anyone in your home smoke?
Have you been coughing?
Have you been coughing anything up? Heart Failure Have you been short of breath at night? Have you had any chest pain? Have you noticed any weight gain? Have you noticed any swelling to the feet or legs? …show more content…
Heart Failure- (Patho Statement) Heart failure is complex and caused by a number of conditions. Ventricles are the main pumping chambers of the heart. Dysfunction can occur in the right side, left side, or both sides. This impairment can also affect the pumping efficiency of the heart. This damage can be measured by the ejection fraction of the heart. Ejection fraction also categorizes the severity of heart disease. This failure causes inadequate tissue perfusion required for metabolic needs. This inadequate tissue perfusion results in organ congestion (Nicholson, 2014). Presentation can include breathlessness, orthopnea, cough, fatigue, sleep disorders, palpitations, chest pain, depression, tachycardia, anxiety and