The attacks of 9/11 left an effect in the American History and have changed the way how Americans live today. Never before such a terrible thing that happened to Americans that have eliminated many innocent lives. On the morning of September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorist extremists hijacked four commercial planes, the planes deviated from their original routes. Two of the planes crashed into the Twin Towers in New York, one of the planes crashed into the Pentagon and the fourth plane crashed to either the White House or the Capitol. Three thousand civilian lives were lost that day. Today, not only America but also European Union countries became the target of terrorists. The terror tissue is the most challenging thing for all the governments to solve. The war of September 11, 2001, is war justified? In the case of self-defense, it can be. This horrible act was an act of terrorism. The terrifying events of 9/11 were like a blinding flash, tainting everyone with unimaginable destruction and the lives of their loved ones, innocent deaths. The shared of vulnerabilities from every person were un unity waiting to burst as strong action was recommended. The September 11 attack made the world came to the stage of alert on terror. U. S government and the world states put several controls in order to escape other attacks. Legislations were passed to deal with terror. These laws were meant to freeze assets of terrorist groups. For instance the wealth of Saddam Hussein was frozen just before Iraq was invaded by the U.S. because he was a terrorist. The laws were also used to empower police and authorize soldiers to fight against terror. This can be evidenced by the presence of both U.K and U.S troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Surveillance and intelligence activities were increased. The international community and the U.S strengthened security measures in most sensitive places such as airports, business place, subway, amusement parks and learning institutions. Terrorism became a nightmare of border security and the government. Nations have spent a lot of time and money in order to evade a repeat of September 11 terror attack. The United States have terror intelligence in almost every nation of the world. This measure has proved to be effective because many terror attacks have been thwarted. They include 2006 Sears Tower and 2007 John Kennedy International Airport terror plots among others. Government promoted the citizen to deny support, sponsorship and sanctuary to terrorism. After placing intelligence to investigate, it was discovered that some personalities and states support terror. The strong nations like U.K and U.S then came in with the backing of United Nations to ensure that the terrorists are not supported in any way. …show more content…
Unifying factor is a common good served by a cruelty waste of human life. The wars instigated may have led to better living conditions of the generations that came like in the French Revolution. Some have been cautious of a certain race that had murdered many people during the 9/11 as a mass murder were performed very specific group of race. The most common cause these destructions were cited in the history for a price of many innocent deaths. The human life lost in the process fails to justify the war. Failing to provide sufficient verification of the death of those innocent lives live Iraq and Afghanistan, the preventative war raged against the terrorists. The implications of of war on terror could be the bridge to despiting the Middle Eastern regions though the majority of people are innocent and are forced to live under a democratic government that have shaken the world. History has proved that as long as ideologies differ, intolerance reigns supreme and the innocent by-standers lose out. Revenge and hatred will lead an increase in wars and in return, many innocent lives will not be paid by any means. Avoid revenges, preventing for the worst event that might happen again in the future, and increasing security with the neighbor nations will prevent many complications and destruction by the act of terrorists everywhere. To avoid the unnecessary war could cause more painful memories to the humankind, all countries need to be alert of negative acts of terrorism and eliminate the impure thoughts of conquest the