Case Study Postpartum Depression

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Patient JS is a fictional patient who is a 27 year old mother of 2 who has been married for 3 years. She lives with her husband and children in an apartment in the city. She gave birth to her second child two months ago. She had an easy labor and delivery with no complications. For a month after the birth, JS felt very excited about her new baby but then began to present unusual behavior. She became very withdrawn and stopped speaking to her husband, family and friends. She lost interest in her normal daily activities and stopped caring for her children. Her husband recognized these changes and convinced her to go see her doctor. JS reported to doctor that “Sometimes I feel like jumping in the car with my kids with no seat belt and running into a pole”. She was immediately diagnosed with postpartum depression.
Postpartum depression is a serious and complex mood disorder that affects approximately one in seven new mothers in the United States, with rates even higher among women who are financially and socially disadvantaged compared to other women (Gaynes et al,2009). Even though there is a high prevalence of postpartum depression among women, many cases go undetected and untreated. PPD occurs in women (but may also occur in men) after the birth of their child. Postpartum
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Most women do not understand the hormonal and physical changes that their bodies are going through and they blame themselves for the way they feel. Women sometimes believe that the feelings they are experiencing will “just go away”. Too often women are left untreated for postpartum depression and this can lead to a negative effect on their children’s development. Studies have shown that women who suffer from PPD interact with the children less and show them less love which affects their behavioral

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