From the article “Letters from the Dust Bowl” by Caroline A. Henderson it says, “With no more grass or even weeds...we may have to leave”. Like before, this person has to deal with moving away from a place she lived for a long time. She has to leave because there are no more crops growing, deaths, and dust storms. She is hopeless without crops to sell or eat so they will need to move to overcome their adversity, but that leads to another adversity. When she moved away from the land, she became stronger by leaving a place she been with for so long. This gives here the strength to do it again. This shows how one person can overcome adversity just by doing what needs to be done without thinking about the rest. Adversities make people stronger physically and
From the article “Letters from the Dust Bowl” by Caroline A. Henderson it says, “With no more grass or even weeds...we may have to leave”. Like before, this person has to deal with moving away from a place she lived for a long time. She has to leave because there are no more crops growing, deaths, and dust storms. She is hopeless without crops to sell or eat so they will need to move to overcome their adversity, but that leads to another adversity. When she moved away from the land, she became stronger by leaving a place she been with for so long. This gives here the strength to do it again. This shows how one person can overcome adversity just by doing what needs to be done without thinking about the rest. Adversities make people stronger physically and