As a moderate adaptor, you bring structure and continuity to the office as a COMSEC custodian to the program. Being the primary CRO will increase your ability to solve problems as you enhance your understanding of the program. As a Refiner, your attention to detail serves as a benefit for the work center daily. Having someone that is constantly reading and implementing new guidance ensures we are operating in compliance with the regulations. Due to your natural ability as a Refiner, I believe the Air Force can really benefit from you being in this position. As the primary CRO, you are responsible for developing and analyzing processes with attention to detail, safeguarding classified materials, and securing communication via ground and aircraft radio frequencies. The Air Force benefit will stem from having reliable and secure communication, both stateside and throughout deployed locations; ensuring lives are saved across all Air Force …show more content…
As stated in the Department of Defense Instructions, to become a Classified Courier you have to be a Staff Sergeant or above, have five ratings on your last five Enlisted Performance Reports, complete the defense courier initial training course, have a minimum score of 44 in the General Area of the U.S. Air Force Airman Qualifying Examination and be eligible to obtain a Top Secret clearance. Giving the fact you have a line number for Staff Sergeant I will fully support submitting your name for this special duty since you meet all the other requirements. To prepare you for Classified Courier duty I would like to send you to the COMSEC manager course to enhance your knowledge of the program. When you attend the course, you will learn how important COMSEC is to national security while learning the basics of Classified Courier duty.
I am glad you want to be a Classified Courier. The Classified Courier position is probably the greatest job in the Air Force. As an Adaptor, the Classified Courier position will benefit your career tremendously due to the nature of the job. A benefit that stands out is that protocols change often; keeping you engaged with the mission by allowing you to solve problems as they arise. SrA Swaney in filling this position you will be helping the Air Force meet the goal of ensuring classified materials are delivered securely and on time throughout