Assignment 1
Due Monday October 17, in class
Notes: You MUST work individually on the assignment. Piazza can be used to ask questions
(without requesting a solution) !! Try to work on as many questions as possible. Grade will mostly be based on the effort spent.
Problem 1 Cellular Architecture
Consider a city of 10 square kilometers. A macrocellular system design divides the city up into square cells of 1 square kilometer, where each cell can accommodate 100 users. Find the total number of users that can be accommodated in the system and the length of time it takes a mobile user to traverse a cell (which is the approximate time needed for a handoff) when moving at 30 km/hour. If the cell size is reduced to 100 …show more content…
d = a + b - c
Receiver (BS)
Thermal noise density in dBm/Hz -174
Base station receive noise figure F in dB 3
Receiver noise power in dBm -105.15 e
Interference margin in dB 4.5 f
Total effective noise and interference in dBm ? g = e + f
Processing gain in dB 25.8 h
Target Eb/No in dB 8 i
Receiver sensitivity in dBm ? j = i - h + g
Base station antenna gain in dBi 12 k
Base station losses in dB 2 l
Shadowing margin in dB 8 m
Fast fading margin in dB 2 n
Soft/softer handover gain in dB 4 o
Total losses and gains in dB ? p = k - l - m - n + o
Maximum allowed propagation pathloss Lp in dB ? q = d - j + p
Cell range d in Km ( Lp = κ + 10γ log10 d) ?
(a) Why do we use the link budget analysis for?
(b) What are the interference margin, shadowing and fast fading margins?
(c) What is soft/softer handover? And why is it considered a gain?
(d) What is the receiver sensitivity?
(e) What is the receiver noise figure? How do we determine it?
(f) Determine the maximum allowed pathloss and the resulting cell