You may work with one partner to complete Phase 1 in the PROCESS section of this webquest, but you MUST submit your own work!
Phase 2 and Phase 3 must be completed individually. Please follow directions below once you get to them.
All 3 Phases of this assignment are due on Friday, March 11th by 3 pm. There are 25 total point available on this assignment.
Phase 1: Visit each of the two websites listed below and find the answers to the corresponding questions. Only use the websites …show more content…
She was born June 14, 1811 and died 1896
2.) Where was she born (name the state in which she was born and whether it was a free or slave state)? She was born in Litchfield, CT and this was a slave state.
3.) What was her family background?
She had 11 siblings, Her parents lived and worked together
4.) Who was her father and what reform movement did he play a large role in?
Lyman Beecher was her father, and he preached antislavery sermons in response to the missouri …show more content…
southerners were outraged and declared the work to be criminal, slanderous, an utterly false
17.) What was the reaction of abolitionists to the novel? most abolitionists saw it as a tremendous help to their cause
18.) What was one of Harriet Beecher Stowe's most serious flaws in the novel?
Harriet beecher stowe, could not escape the racism of time.
Phase 2: Once you have answered all of the questions in Phase 1, write your essay in your own words using complete sentences as well as correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Your essay should be no more than two pages in length * and must include the following: - a cover page that includes the title of your essay, your name, and the current date (3 pts)
- an introductory paragraph (3 pts.)
- a paragraph on her life that fully addresses the answers you found for questions 1-11 (the focus of this paragraph should be on her life and what inspired her to write Uncle Tom’s Cabin) (3 pts.)
- a paragraph about her novel that fully addresses the answers you found for questions 12-18(the focus on this paragraph should be the reaction her novel cause both nationally and internationally.) (3