Brenner's Arguments Against The Electoral College

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Theodore Arrington and Saul Brenner both had compelling arguments and supportingarguments. In the Article, Brenner was for the Electoral college, stating how it let people expressthemselves, it has impacted presidents to attend regional concerns instead of regarding nationalsand how some votes can count more than others. Arrington was against the Electoral college, hisreasoning was, members of the third party will most likely not be able to do mischief underelectoral college, there will be an uneven balance between small and larger states and majorityrules.Brenner, is an associate professor at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte, He hashelped write, along with writing an average of 20 articles all regarding the SupremeCourt(Arrington,Brenner 237). …show more content…
Heexplains how some states can be ignored andothers can be overemphasized. Brenner wants there to be a runoff for candidates to be sure he isthe most popular(Arrington, Brenner 239). For the other side of his argument for his topic hestates how the candidate with the most electoral votes could be the most popular.His second argument is regarding how third party voters could be discouraged. Hediscusses how they should be able to create their own organizations and report their presidency.He uses examples, about how the third party could pamper to result in popular candidates intonot winning(Arrington, Brenner 240-241 ). On the other side of the argument, the collegepresents that if no candidate has a majority of votes the House of Representatives now deals withthe election. Third Parties do have a chance to win the election and not bediscriminated(Arrington, Brenner

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