The distribution of Electoral votes over-represents citizens in rural states. Winner-take-all mechanisms are also hard for the third party to deal with. Taking our recent 2016 Presidential Elections, Hillary had been ahead of President Elect Donald Trump in the citizen’s votes, but the Electoral College had the majority vote for the latter. This gives an unfair advantage to the unwanted party that is favored by the Electoral College, basically throwing human voting rights out the window. If the popular vote candidate has less Electoral votes, they are highly likely to lose. By the same token, Electoral Colleges only aim for stronghold cities and disregard the smaller, less populated towns. For example, when there is an Electoral vote in Florida, voters will chose to hold conferences and debates in larger cities, such as Jacksonville over a smaller, less heard of town, like Melrose. Because of this, the Electoral College disregards the thoughts and opinions of those cities to go with the majority, or their own opinion. Electoral voters continuously convince these larger cities to vote for who they find suitable, which can create a huge difference in overall votes. Judge Richard A. Posner gives his opinion on the matter, saying, “The Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states (by population) lose by virtue of the mal-appointment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution . . . The popular …show more content…
“The Electoral College avoids the problems of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast,” Says Judge Richard A. Posner. He also states that “There is pressure for run-off elections when no candidate wins a majority of the votes cast; that pressure, which would greatly complicate the presidential election process, is reduced by the Electoral College, which invariable produces a clear winner. . . .” Even if there is a majority vote, the Electoral College can cast it off, ignoring human voting rights. If the Electoral College were to avoid being shut down, an intense system change would need to be brought