A state is either for the republican candidate or the democratic candidate. The votes could be forty eight percent for the republican candidate and fifty two percent for the democratic candidate and the democrat would take the state and all the electors for that state. And a lot of states, such as California and Texas are always voting the same way. But if you look at popular vote, is a much more mixed view of things. More than four and a half million Californians voted for McCain (roughly as many votes as he got in Texas), while about forty percent of voters in Alabama backed
A state is either for the republican candidate or the democratic candidate. The votes could be forty eight percent for the republican candidate and fifty two percent for the democratic candidate and the democrat would take the state and all the electors for that state. And a lot of states, such as California and Texas are always voting the same way. But if you look at popular vote, is a much more mixed view of things. More than four and a half million Californians voted for McCain (roughly as many votes as he got in Texas), while about forty percent of voters in Alabama backed