Ms. Roche
Period 3
Book of Revolution A revolution is where people try to overthrow their leader because they disagree on how the government runs. Some revolution are bloody because of how the deadly the violence are. One of those revolution is the Mexican revolution. This revolution can be related to the book called Like Water for Chocolate written by Laura Esquirel. In the book, the De la Garza household revolution is similar to the Mexican Revolution because most of the characters from the family represents people from the Mexican Revolution and the events that had happen in the book is relative to what took place in the Revolution, but the difference in that is the cause of the revolt and most of the De la Garza family are women. First, Esquirel uses characters to compare people from the revolution. One of those example is Mama Elena compared to Porfirio Diaz. Mama Elena was hated and caused Tita to revolt because of the tradition for her to not marry until her mother dies and how she was being treated. This goes to Diaz because he abused his power and not listened to the people who is supporting him causing them to rebel. Mama Elena is cruel because of her actions. Esquirel shows this by stating “ Tita, which had earned her plenty of slaps.” (Esquirel pg. 13). Meaning that every time Tita messed up, she always gets slap no matter what. This is important because Mama Elena does not treat Tita like how mothers treat daughters. It is more like master and slave. Proving why Tita revolted against Mama Elena. This actions is the same for Porfirio Diaz because of abusing his power like Mama Elena. Diaz promised that he will abolish unlimited presidential terms and establish democratic republic. In the end, he became the president again and again. Tshows Diaz inhuman thing he did. “ Madero announced his candidacy for President, but was arrested before the election by Diaz. . . Diaz declared himself winner.” (Mexico). Meaning that Diaz used his power to arrest Madero so he could be the leader again. This is important because he cheated his way to become the leader again which is not fair for the people. Proving Diaz abusing his capability as the dictator causing people to rebel. Thus Esquirel compared Mama Elena and Porfirio Diaz as the same character. These characters made events in the book similar to what took place in the Mexican revolution. This is true because when Tita finally rebelled on Mama Elena, she was hit in the face and she ran away. She was suppose to …show more content…
In the De la Garza family Tita didn’t like the tradition in which the youngest can not marry and has to stay with her mother until she dies. While in the Mexican Revolution, people did not like the way Porfirio Diaz run his presidency because he misuse his power and ignored the people. The tension increased when Mama Elena said this words, “ If you really want Pedro to get married, allow me to suggest my daughter Rosaura. . .” (Esquirel pg.13). Meaning that Mama Elena could care less about how Tita feels because she suggested the love of her life to marry her sister. This is important because this part increase the problem between Tita and Mama Elena exponentially.