Biochemistry Essay

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Biochemistry Biochemistry is a branch of science concentrated on living organisms and their chemical processes. It has become a household name for itself in modern history as more and more developments occur and has encouraged scientist to not only pursue a medical career, but has branched out into research and bio-engineering to create a better life for an individual. In all, the area uncovers the way of the future and has found itself as a major part of science. Without the subject a lot of the inventions for better health, such as, vitamin D, or the way our metabolic system works would be unexplored therefore, would be as if the medieval ages were upon us as one did not fully comprehend how contaminated hands would effect an open wound. …show more content…
A lady walked in and introduced herself while presenting a diligent smile in the direction toward me. For whatever reason I was there I don’t clearly remember the actual purpose until I was having an echocardiographic test in a dark room. The feeling of cold gel on my chest was probably the most uncomfortable sensation I have had before that time and was utterly anxious. Little did I know I was there to check for a genetic disorder called Marfan syndrome that ran in my family resulting in a hand full on family members’ …show more content…
The theme is not only found in humans, but a lot of research goes towards plants and living bacterium. Plants are a vital part of research just as much as humans, and or mice. Model organisms are critical component in the right research as it can affect the outcome in what is trying to be expressed. The correct organism could conclude what the researcher is trying to comprehend, along with how that mechanism will cooperate with its environmental change when experimenting in the lab. Therefore, the organism is the inhibitor of the product in biochemistry and a correlate with its metabolic structure, which can lead to a phenomenon. For example, a proteins purpose and how it can affect the delicate process of developing DNA or DNA replication if one item could be

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