Essay On Nutritional Analysis

Improved Essays
Nutritional Analysis As a college student, it can be hard to eat right, exercise regularly, all while trying to balance a social and an academic life. After completing this nutritional analysis I learned that there are ways to change my daily lifestyle. Throughout this analysis I will discuss my current daily intake compared to the recommended intake, my energy expenditure and body composition, my mood and cognitive behavior, and finally I will set goals and discuss recommendations for myself. Food Intake Based on the USDA food patterns chart in our textbook, a person should consume at least one cup fruits, vegetables and dairy products, one ounce grains and proteins, and one teaspoon oil on a daily basis. Looking at this compared to the food listed in my appendix, I could stand to consume more dairy, protein, and fruits, and fewer oils. I can do this by switching water for milk at a meal, putting meat on my salads, and grabbing an apple on my way out the door. Although I am consuming fewer calories than recommended I can still cut out fats by using …show more content…
I need to pay more attention to the foods I eat to make sure I am getting adequate amounts of all my required nutrients. Along with this I want to set a goal to go to the gym at least two to three times a week, even if just for a half hour. My overall goal is to lose the weight I have gained since the beginning of the semester and become fit.
At first, I was not too excited to complete this assignment, but after actually doing it, I am glad it was assigned to our class. It has helped me realize what I need to do to become a healthier person. I am now more aware of the foods I eat, and the nutrients that they provide. Overall, my health analysis was not as horrible as I thought, and can easily be fixed with healthier choices and a regular trips to the

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