My mom uses calendars and writes notes to remind herself to get things done. On the other hand, my dad is always late to everything. He usually starts getting ready to go somewhere at the time that my mom had planned for us to leave at. I am a very punctual person like my mom. I make sure my homework is done on time, I arrive to classes 15-20 minutes early and I organize my day with agendas the night before. But I am like my dad in the way that I like to procrastinate. I usually wait until the last minute to get things done and I usually take longer that I need to get ready to go out. Although my punctuality is hereditary, it can easily be changed. I have to stop procrastinating on assignments and make sure that I follow my daily
My mom uses calendars and writes notes to remind herself to get things done. On the other hand, my dad is always late to everything. He usually starts getting ready to go somewhere at the time that my mom had planned for us to leave at. I am a very punctual person like my mom. I make sure my homework is done on time, I arrive to classes 15-20 minutes early and I organize my day with agendas the night before. But I am like my dad in the way that I like to procrastinate. I usually wait until the last minute to get things done and I usually take longer that I need to get ready to go out. Although my punctuality is hereditary, it can easily be changed. I have to stop procrastinating on assignments and make sure that I follow my daily