Baysinger Police Supply offers many tangible products, such as uniforms and gear needed by police and fire departments. The product mix consists of uniforms, body armor, duty gear, footwear, and tactical gear. The depth and width of the product offering is over one hundred vendors, with fifty to sixty thousand product options. Product width can be narrow, but Baysinger Police Supply has the ability to order different products from their vendors. Product life cycle of Baysinger Police Supply is mainly in the growth and maturity stage, but …show more content…
Now, Brian did make a good point in that, he was not sure if the manufacturers are owned by the company who owns the rights to originally sell the product, since most products are made overseas. If that is not the case, then the distribution channel would like like manufacturer to company to wholesale to retailer to customer or manufacturer to company to retailer to customer. The store positioning might be different when it comes to vendors than to customers and also just individually among the each vendor and customer. This is due to the sheer importance of relationships and customer service in this business industry. A reputation or image could be good for one law enforcement agency, but be bad for another one. The image, as a company, Baysingers tries to project is a consistent and knowledgeable store. Based on the fact that they make most of their money from contracts they have with government agencies, like police, fire, and EMS departments, that is mostly who their image is projected at, rather than to the public like …show more content…
They use both price and non-price competition, as they usually base it off opportunity-to-opportunity and geographic areas. Baysingers utilizes cost-based pricing, but not demand-based pricing. Since there isn’t any impulse buying, they don’t use new product pricing. Baysingers not only sells in bulk, but also has a retail side. Because of this, product-line pricing is used. Neither psychological or professional pricing is used. Promotional pricing will occasionally be used. On the retail side, there is a discount section, and for online customers, sometimes Baysingers will give promotions to current customers they already have contracts with. Bidding also takes place at Baysingers. Bidding is done solely on price. Sometimes Brian will even help write a bid, and that causes him to have a better chance of receiving it, because he already knows exactly what the customer is wanting and usually a better idea of the price than outside bidders. Some bids are also split. For example, one client might just bid on holsters instead of holsters, shields, and body armor together for police. Brian said that when bids are split, they are sometimes not even worthwhile to try for. There is also a minimum advertised price (MAP) all retailers of public safety gear cannot go below, or rather a price floor is set for all