Define price takers¬: Price taker is a provider who has no power to influence the prices set by the marketplace.
What is the difference between a price taker and a price setter? Price takers accepts the prices set in the marketplace for their service, including the prices set by government insurers. Price setters provide services that can be differentiated from others, by either market share, quality, or other differences, such that …show more content…
CON is the certificate issued by a governmental agency for proposed construction of a health facility that ensures that the facility will be needed at the time of its completion. The certificate is issued to the individual intending to build or modify the facility for additional services. The process is intended to prevent duplication of services in a community.
List the three levels of nursing home care identified by Gapenski (2013): The three levels of nursing home care identified by Gapenski are, ambulatory care, long term care, and integrated delivery system.
What is the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE): ACHE means American College of Healthcare Executive. ACHE provide local education programs, career and advancement resources, and opportunities to volunteer and connect with healthcare leaders in the community.
Define a business: Business is an organization involved in the goods, services, or both to consumers.
Define finance charge: Finance charge is a fee charged for the use of credit or the extension of existing credit. May be a flat fee or a percentage of borrowings, with percentage-based finance charges being the most