Meaning that even women or men who act out or are prostitutes should be targeted. Just because that’s their lifestyle doesn’t mean that they can be victimized or targeted. You never know maybe that’s all they could do. Another thing that people like to take advantage of, is that when someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs that is not an invitation for sexual assault either. Sexual assault can occur in heterosexual or same- gender relationships. It does not matter whether there is a current or past relationship between the victim and offender; unwanted sexual activity is still sexual assault and is a serious
Meaning that even women or men who act out or are prostitutes should be targeted. Just because that’s their lifestyle doesn’t mean that they can be victimized or targeted. You never know maybe that’s all they could do. Another thing that people like to take advantage of, is that when someone is under the influence of alcohol or drugs that is not an invitation for sexual assault either. Sexual assault can occur in heterosexual or same- gender relationships. It does not matter whether there is a current or past relationship between the victim and offender; unwanted sexual activity is still sexual assault and is a serious