Argumentative Essay: The Debate Of Animal Experimentation

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For quite some time now, the debate of animal experimentation has been a major issue. There have been arguments about whether animals should be treated, recognized and protected by human society just as every human. Animal testing has provided human beings as a crucial safety check that can inform scientists what won't work, so unnecessary human experiments aren't conducted. Although an animal might result in chronic, fatal state, and even death, this will prevent the death of human lives in the future. Animal experiments have saved the lives of millions of people over the years by being able to provide tests and experiments to animals. Many diseases have been treated, been preventable and even remedied through science and breakthrough of …show more content…
Through tests and experiments with animals, we have achieved greater productivity by providing humans a means to find cures. In 2006, infant mortality in the USA measured as few as seven deaths per 1,000 live births compared to 47 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1940(Foundation for Biomedical Research).Progress in this area has come from one thing, and that is animal research. Diseases that used to kill millions of people each year are now either preventable, treatable or have been completely been eradicated . Without animal research, these vaccines would not exist and the survival rates for many major diseases are much greater because of the discovery of powerful new drugs, surgical procedures and the design of advanced medical …show more content…
Existing laws and policies require that lab animals be treated humanely, but there is no escaping the fact that many suffer unavoidable pain. Although animal experimentation has been, and still is, vital to many types of research, extremists in the Animal Rights Movement contend that animals are morally equal to people and that humanity benefits do not justify any use of them whatsoever(Greenhaven Press, 2015). If people stop experimenting on animal on this day, it is true that animals that were experimented on will live more abundantly and flourish, but we will ever know if there will be a scientific breakthrough in medicine and a cure for cancer

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