One of the major topics animal activist argue about is Animal Experimentation. “Throughout history, most humans have considered themselves superior to all other species. This thinking led and still leads some people to allow the use of animals in research”(perdew)p.g11. At the moment millions of animals are locked inside barren cages in laboratories across the country. An those animals in cages are suffering from severe pain, and are scared from the experiments that are performed on them. An because of these crucial experiments it will have after effects on the animals. Most will just go insane in the cages and start to spinning in circles, pulling out own fur, or …show more content…
Animals are abandoned every day. Rescue organizations everywhere spend most of their time working to save the animals. One person may ask “Why would anyone abandon a family pet?”. There are many reasons like some people go vacations and can’t find someone to pet sit, they receive a pet and cannot afford it needs, or people often do not spray and neuter pets. The problem comes in when more pets are being bred by people attempting to make money. Then “shelters an pounds are packed with animals, because of pet owners abandoning them. Which eventually leads to them being put down”(Rachel Newer)p.g38. Yet people continually buy newly bred pets, instead of saving shelter pets from being put to death. No matter the explanation, no animal should be