Argumentative Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Drugs are highly addictive and harmful. Marijuana is one of them. It is under debate whether Marijuana should be legalized. Due to many reasons it should remain illegal. First, it is harmful to the user’s health. When a person is under the influence of Marijuana that person becomes a danger to others. It can cause a person to be in a state in which they cannot make their own decisions. There is always the chance of a person doing something irresponsible because the marijuana is confusing the person’s thought process. People who use marijuana will most likely use it even more if it becomes legal. Abusing the drug will become easier for an addict to do if it is legal. It is a drug that could lead to drugs that are more dangerous. Marijuana may not be the
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When people have more access to something it is used more and is more easily abused. For example: Alcohol is easily accessible, so a lot of people drink and many of them drink excessively. Thus there are more people who drink and drive, which leads to bad accidents. “Legality increases the availability and acceptability of drugs, as we see with alcohol and tobacco – which far outpaces the use of illegal drugs” (Office of National Drug Control Policy, n.d.). Just like any other drug, marijuana is addictive. “In 2011, approximately 4.2 million people met the diagnostic criteria for abuse or dependence on marijuana” (Office of National Drug Control Policy, n.d.). Marijuana legalization would increase marijuana abuse or dependence exponentially. If someone becomes addicted to marijuana this could lead to them abusing it to the point that they get hurt or someone else does. There are people who abuse the drug now, but legalizing it would only give them more access to take that abuse to the next

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