Argumentative Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Legalizing Marijuana The word “Marijuana” has turned a lot of heads over the past few years and has raised the concern in many American households. There has been a lot of opposing viewpoints on the subject of decimalization. Over the past few years it still remains an important issue that we deal with as Americans. Although legalizing marijuana would have a lot of financial benefits such as a huge decrease in government spending. We should also look at the negative causes of legalizing marijuana. This paper will research the question: should the United States legalize marijuana? In the article “Marijuana Legalization: A Bad Idea”, Office of National Drug Control Policy it states that, “Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States, with nearly 17 million Americans age 12 and older reporting use in the past month, and 374,000 people entering an emergency room annually with a primary marijuana problem”. What is marijuana exactly? Marijuana is the most commonly used drug made from dried, shredded leaves, flowers, …show more content…
If you think about it you have to pay the law enforcement, you also have the cost of the prosecution, and you have to take in account of the hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenue that would be generated if drugs were legal and taxed. Then we could use the money we saved from legalizing marijuana on more important issues. Jeffrey Miron, Director of Undergraduate Studies at Harvard University, wrote an article called “The Budgetary Implications of Drug Prohibition,” Miron estimates that “legalizing marijuana would save $13.7 billion per year in government expenditure on enforcement of prohibition”. “Legalization eliminates arrests for trafficking and possession," Miron says. “Second, legalization saves judicial and incarceration expenses. Third, legalization allows taxation of drug production and

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