Argumentative Essay On Concussions

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Concussions have become more and more common in the recent years. Rules and regulations should be changed to decrease the amount of concussions each year. Many rules have been changed over many years to prevent concussions. For example, “Piles if kicking and gouging players were minimized by new rules,”(Piazza 346). Even though rules were changing in the past years does not mean they are not still changing now. Rule and regulations are always changing for the better of the kids to prevent concussions. Concussions may be caused by many different reasonings. Development of the brains are different for every child. For example, “Some evidence suggests that the developing brain is more vulnerable to concussions,”(Campbell 93). The studies show that we cannot control the way the brain develops, therefore children are more prone to concussions. Children do not know that they are more prone to concussions until they have had one. Even though the rules should be changed more and more, children may benefit from learning more about concussions and ways to prevent them. …show more content…
For example, “SIS can be fatal,”(Edwards 129). Second impact syndrome is uncommon, but the child could end up in fatal conditions if it does. Children who suffer from repeated concussions when the first one has not fully healed could end catastrophically. Children knowing all the facts about concussions may be a little beneficial, no one know what children would do with the information. Work Cited
Campbell, Richard A., et al. “Risk of Concussion During Sports Versus Physical Education
Among New Mexico Middle and High School Students.” American Journal of Public Health, vol. 108, no. 1, Jan. 2018, pp. 93–95., doi:10.2105/ajph.2017.304107.
Edwards, Jonathan C., and Jeffrey D. Bodle. “Causes and Consequences of Sports

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