Smarter And Nicer

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In the article, Reading Literature Makes us Smarter and Nicer by Annie Murphy Paul, it explains the ways “deep reading” has lost it’s interest in the lives of the new generation and the ways it has affected their personality. Personally, reading to me has always been a struggle, before the technology was even there I couldn’t stay interested in a book without losing my train of thought. I’ve always loved reading don’t get me wrong there’s nothing better then laying down and finishing off that scene that had you at the edge of your seat, but, there really isn’t enough time to do that anymore, and when we do have time we are always doing something else that interests us way more . I wouldn’t particularly say that “deep reading” changes who a person is, I know a lot of people who can’t read whatsoever and they’re the nicest people you will ever meet. I for instance was raised to respect my elders and respect all who live, women, men, animals, everything, and that is that I wouldn’t read daily. Though there is research proving that “individuals who often read fiction appear to be better able to understand other people”, the books I grew up reading weren’t the fictional type as I would read more about animals and the human minds more than those fictional stories and I’d like to say that I understand other people, but not only would I like to say it, I can because I’ve been told that I’m good at relating to people’s problems and understanding where they’re coming from.. The issue in this article is the way that the new generation isn’t reading as successfully as their supposed to and the author’s idea of a solution is to convince the reader that it’s onscreen books fault. As the article states many statistics that explain the ways onscreen books distract the reader instead of getting them into the “deep reading” phase. Throughout this article it continuously brought up the example of electronic books being a terrible substitute for paper books. I’m not for nor against this statement as there are many back doors to it, such as the article’s research supporting it. As the article’s research states that “. . . 34,910 young people aged 8 to 16. Researches reported that 39% of children and teens read daily using electronic devices, but only 28% read printed materials every day.” But by those statistics that’s only 23,390 children/ teens leaving 10,800 children/ teens unanswered. Another factor is that the children are 8-16, here’s the problem with that. Eight years through fourteen years of age are easily distracted especially while reading. Most likely because they haven’t reached that stage …show more content…
. . The study also found that young people who read daily only onscreen were nearly two times less likely to be above-average readers those those who read daily in print or both in print and onscreen”. By personal experience I can tell you that it is true, reading onscreen is no comparison to reading a paper book, reading a paper book is just so much better somehow. But, that doesn’t mean people don’t enjoy reading on screen better than a paper book. Students nowadays are actually learning online instead of physically going to a class and they learn better that way. Technology isn’t a bad thing, but, it can affect certain people in specific

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