Students feel it is better to have different forms of technology to do their homework and to have resources at the tip of their fingers. Schools often have Smart-boards, IPads, laptops, and e-books to help students with their homework and research topics. Technology gives students ideas for their projects and assignments to help them out, which is a good and effective tool to have. Yet, technology can be distracting for students, simply because of the fact people can access social media and games. Also phones have become a distraction and students can get caught texting rather than paying attention to a lesson.…
Unit 6 Assignment Annotated Bibliography Jill Benoit Kaplan University Annotated Bibliography Life happens in a blink of an eye, and mine and my daughter’s did just that the last day of 2015. It only takes that one second to change everything you know and love. Making others aware of these numbers, and hearing real stories from teens to teens could promote greater awareness of the dangers of distracted driving. Studies have shown that we are losing our youth today from accidents that could have been avoided.…
The authors Janet Kornblum “Tapping into Text Messaging” and Michael Rubinkam “Texting in Class is Rampant” debate the good and bad sides of Texting with information and support. The idea of texting started in Europe in the late 90s, now it’s all over the world and communication had changed because of it, Texting, like speech, sign language and writing, is part of our developing language system. The authors tries to stay neutral towards the tropic, they highlighted both, pros and cons that come with Texting. They agree that the major concern is the distraction that come from texting. According to paragraph 7 in “Tapping into Text Messaging” Teens represent the age group that texts the most.…
While many strive for technological advances, others are worried that technology can take over cognitive skills in human beings. From watching television to strolling on the Internet, humans are starting to depend too greatly on technological devices and are losing the importance of the malleability of the brain. Because we depend too greatly on technology, people will start to lose the concept of face-to-face interactions, enhancement of relationships, critical thinking processes, and writing abilities. Michaela Cullington’s neutral perspective on technology in his article, “Does Texting Affecting Writing,” gives a plausible argument: that texting has minimal effect on students’ writing through their awareness of knowing not to use the “texting language” in their formal papers. I argue that people should not use text messages as the main source of communication –since texting affect negatively towards young students’ ability to write a concise, formal paper due to the excessive use of…
Michaela Cullington’s essay, “Does Texting Affect Writing?”, discusses three hypotheses on whether texting carries a negative, positive, or no effect in academic writing. While she was undergraduate student at Marywood University, she wrote this essay in 2010 in response to the bias held by teachers, authors, and students on the effects of texting. Perhaps during the year of 2010, the significant increase of texting led her to write this article. Because technology and electronics perpetually keeps on upgrading and updating its efficacy up until today and texting is increasing its popularity among young adults, this topic is relevant for her readers. As an undergraduate student and a frequent texter myself, I can clearly perceive where Cullington…
The Internet offers many distractions to reading an article online including, multi-screens, tabs/windows, ads on the side panels, hyperlinks and videos embedded on the webpage. Information provided online is not the same as reading an article on paper because the channel matters and interruptions are more prevalent online (Carr,1). While a user on Snapchat can still receive notifications such as text messages, or updates, in order to read or use their phone in other ways they must close down the Snapchat app, there is no option of multitasking on Snapchat’s news platform. On the application, a user can either read a news story, take a picture of themselves, watch other friends stories, but each of these acts are not simultaneous, which avoids the distraction of…
Derek Bok saw that the use of laptops and iPads in class has become a very common thing in today's educational society. With that observation he saw that students taking notes on their iPad or laptop had more opportunities to distract themselves. Studies have shown that students who use technology in class damage their education (Bok,Derek). Regulating the use of technology in our everyday lives is a very important skill to have today. Without the regualtion When we don’t regulate the use of technology we end up becoming dependent on them and lose our intellectual independence.…
Technology distracts students as well, instead of helping students study technology takes all the students’ attention. According to the article “Teens Texting Soars; Will Social Skills Suffer?” from Jennifer Ludden, “students were tapping away on their phones before they even reached the exit doors after classes let out.” Ludden argues that students are getting addicted to technology and social media. They cannot even wait to go out the classroom or school before they use their cellphones. Some students are even using their cellphones in the classroom, where it distracts them.…
Clay states “…Laptop Multitasking Hinders Classroom Learning for Both Users and Nearby Peers says it all: …the results demonstrate that multitasking on a laptop poses a significant distraction to both users and fellow students…” this conveys that students who multitask in class not only distracts themselves but those around them. Having said that, students don’t only lose out on the materials mentioned in class, in worst scenarios they create a distraction for their peers. In surroundings like this, student notes are less accurate resulting them to score less on tests and assignments. Clay argues that environments like this happen because of social structures and in order to change or decrease this, the professors have to test out their level of how interesting they are to help those who actually want to focus and learn. While this is a change for the students to consider their ability to focus, professors as well are switching their role to demolish second-hand distraction for the other…
Students lose focus during an important time of learning. Computers have distractions like emails, alerts, pop-ups, where it can make it impossible to concentrate. It’s really easy to get tempted and want to reply to emails or click on ads. An experiment conducted at Cornell University. The experiment was based off students who used laptops during class, versus those who didn’t use…
For the first major assignment for Professor Julia Green’s Communication 211 for Spring 2016, I partnered with classmates Lori Rainey and Sarah Beattie to “analyze how the different forms of communication yield different results when it comes to communicating” (Green, Week 4 - Major Assignment 1: Blog). By going through the exercises, I have reconfirmed that the form of online communication best suited to me is email versus social media such as Facebook, or texting. Unlike some people, I find texts are more difficult to respond to for many reasons, including the limitation of the touch-screen keypads, as well as the synchronicity of the communication, depending on the user’s attention to their phone. As an example, I routinely forget my cell…
Students themselves, have reported that even without the sounds and notifications, they were distracted by the idea of people trying to get into contact with them (Soltan). Research shows that technology also influences…
With the dawn of the 21st century, multitasking has become ingrained in the American culture. Being able to focus all of one’s attention on the task at hand is no longer the social norm. Instead, people’s concentration divides between a myriad of goals from emailing coworkers to listening to presentations to playing Solitaire. Even if multitasking has become a lifestyle for Americans, is it truly beneficial? Although skeptics attest that multitasking is inefficient or even impossible, practice shows that the ability to divide attention or accomplish multiple goals at once is essential to creating a personalized system of education and learning, as well as staying at the forefront of an adapting world and the constant innovation of the workplace.…
In Michaela Cullington’s article, Does Texting Affect Writing, Cullington talks about the debate of texting affecting students writing. The writer uses many sources to back up both sides. Many teachers agreed that texting does inflict bad habits on student’s writing. Other teachers insisted that texting helped with student’s imagination and creativity while writing. In this article Cullington also involves the students themselves by asking them questions about their texting habits.…
The United States of America is considered as the “land of opportunity”. The place provides its citizens with a chance to succeed in life through countless opportunities. Whether it be to further one's education or build a career with a job, everyone has a shot to fulfill their American Dream; the dream to reach prosperity through hard work, and determination. Education is what paves the pathway to achieve one’s American Dream. The knowledge and the resources provided in the different levels of schooling is what gives one the ability to succeed.…